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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

How Will Medical Insurance Help Protect Your Savings


How Will Medical Insurance Help Protect Your Savings

At present, the cost of treatment has risen so much that it is beyond the reach of the average person. That's why we have to take the help of medical insurance. Now a question arises among many how to do this medical insurance. Why you should buy medical insurance for your family. You will find the answers to all these questions in today's post.

How Will Medical Insurance Help Protect Your Savings

First of all, why buy medical insurance for your family?

At present, the cost of various tests in the medical field, the cost of the hospital, the cost of the doctor has increased a lot. Accidents or the effects of various diseases have increased so much that we can suddenly become destitute. That is why it is very important to have medical insurance to save yourself from such expensive expenses.

How to do family medical insurance?

If you have elderly people in your home, you often have to take them to a nursing home or a good hospital for treatment. Older people often suffer from aging or heart disease. It is important to insure them for their health.

If you become a self-employed person and you get into a serious illness or have an accident, your savings will be gone in no time. That's why you need to get medical insurance for yourself.

If your wife is pregnant, your medical insurance will help you to cover her prenatal or postnatal costs.

Even in the case of a newborn baby, if there is any complication, the cost of treatment will be covered by your medical insurance. That's why it's important to have medical insurance for everyone in your family.

Now the question is, will you have separate medical insurance for all your family members? And if you do, the cost of getting your medical insurance will be much higher. So to save yourself from that extra cost, you should have medical insurance for your whole family.

Where do you buy medical insurance for your family?

You can buy your family's medical insurance through an insurance agent or office near you. You can also buy some LIC insurance policies from which you can avail the benefits of your medical insurance. You can also buy medical insurance for your family from SBI.

However, there are several insurance companies such as CARE, HDFC Ergo, Max, Star, etc. These types of insurance companies are quite reliable and dependable insurance companies. You can go to their website and buy the insurance plan of your choice. You can also buy your insurance by going to the policy market and checking multiple websites. Policy Market is a trusted website.

 How will medical insurance for family help protect your savings?

Suppose you save a portion of your income for the future. Save by planning to spend in a specific sector for the future. But the money saved by the sesame seeds may have to be admitted to the hospital suddenly due to the treatment of a serious illness. In that case, you have to put your hands on your savings. Isn't it? That's why if you have medical insurance, you don't have to worry about your savings. And in today's world of human life, we often have to suffer from some kind of complex disease, even complex weapons, in which case we have to spend a lot of money. So buying your medical insurance policy will help protect your savings.

What are the benefits of buying medical insurance online?

You can get multiple benefits if you buy a medical insurance policy online. Before buying a policy online you can find out about the policies of different companies in detail. You will have enough time to calculate your income. If you buy a policy from an agent of a particular insurance company, the premium may be higher. If the company's agent does not deposit the premium money on time, you may run into problems. In that case, you may have to read under Late Fine. There are no such problems online. If you buy a policy online, you will have to pay intimation in advance from the company. This reduces the chances of your policy taking a premium break.

Related post: These health insurance decrease your tension

What are the things you should consider before buying medical insurance?

Before buying medical insurance, the first thing you need to check is whether the hospital network of the insurance company you are buying the policy from is in your area. If you are far away from home then find out about ambulance cost, house rent cost, waiting period, pre-hospital cost, post-hospital cost, etc. Find out how much you will get cashless.

And in case of treatment of some diseases, you will get the benefit of insurance and in case of some diseases, you will not get the benefit of medical insurance, etc. Because in the case of some of these diseases, the companies will not give you your medical insurance. Then you will not get a claim despite having insurance.

You will buy the policy keeping in mind the age of your family members. If there is an elderly person in the family, a child, or a pregnant woman, buy the policy keeping in mind their treatment. Find out if your medical insurance policy will cover the cost of treating a terminally ill disease like cancer or Covid-19.

Will you get an income tax deduction if you buy medical insurance?

Yes. Every year we have to deposit a good amount of money for income tax. If you buy medical insurance, you will get income tax exemption as per Section 80D of the Income Tax Act of the Government of India.


At present, the cost of treatment has increased a lot. If you do not have medical insurance, you will be in big trouble. So it is very important for each of us to have medical insurance. If you set aside a portion of your family income for medical insurance, this insurance will stand by you like a friend in your difficult times. Will protect you from sudden fines.


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